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Because you want more then just "dating advice"

Hey, I'm Nina!

Since 1998 I support singles to find love and enhance their relationship potential to attract their significant other without wasting (more) time and money on dating apps.

Nina Deißler in den Medien (TV, Zeitschriften, Web & Co.)

Nina Deissler is Germany’s Date Doctor No. 1 

Over the years she has been featured on nearly every TV channel, radio show, newspaper and magazine in Germany and Austria.

Her 12 books and her contribution in many others (as in “Global Conscious Entrepreneurs together with Marie Diamond) make her a well known author in the field of dating and relationships. Her German Podcast has over 1 million downloads and more is yet to come.

Nina Deißler mit aktuellen Büchern

Let’s keep it short: If things aren’t going well for you when it comes to love and relationships, you’ve come to the right place:

You won’t find any cheap flirting tricks or “write-this-do-that-recipes” with me, but effective approaches for the resuscitation of your love life.

Do not trust your happiness in love to luck!

It is not uncommon for great people to go through life involuntarily without a partner. But that can be changed – if you change it.

Don’t look for love and don’t fall in it either: You are a soulmate to someone out there! Use my powerful Identity Reframing Method to release your full love potential and attract the love of your life!

Let’s talk!


of participants find a fulfilling relationship within a year.

years of experience as coach for singles and over 8,000 happy clients.

books - including Germany's best-selling flirt guide and top 10 single podcast.
Global Conscious Entrepreneur Book with Marie Diamond and Nina Deissler

Did you ever start something and got stuck? Wanted to start and were afraid? Got lost? Experienced imposter-syndrom? 

So did I and many others!  

You can do this! 

Get your copy of the “Global Conscious Entrepreneurs” Book and read these 49 transformational stories written by entrepreurs from all over the world: Feng Shui Master and “The secret” Star Marie Diamond selected these powerful people to inspire you! My story is in there – and is there for you to discover your own strength! 

Order your copy here >>>

What clients say about me

Emotional Understanding

Dear Nina Deißler, many thanks for your help! Even though I may not seem like it, I really needed your support. And I understood an incredible amount. Your direct approach and your way of not only serving the intellectual mind have given me exactly what I needed so badly: emotional understanding and insight.

Anya, 41

Eine ganz neue Form von Lebensqualität

Nina Deissler ist eine fantastische Frau und Beraterin. Ich hatte wirklich vor lauter Beruf und Karriere verlernt, dass ich nicht nur funktioniere sondern auch eine Frau bin. Sie hat ganz viel den Finger auf die genau richtige Stelle gelegt und plötzlich, nach nur einigen Wochen stelle ich fest, dass Männer sich für mich als Frau interessieren. Ich kann wieder lachen, schäkern und erlebe eine ganz andere Form von Lebensqualität. Und das Tolle ist, dass Nina es schafft, dass frau sich selbst wandelt ohne von ihr “abhängig” zu sein.

Claudia, 46

Unvergesslicher Weckruf

Nina steckt Dich mit ihrer Energie an, tritt Dir wo es nötig ist mit schonungsloser Offenheit ins Gesäß. Nach dem Weckruf hilft sie Dir, neue bessere Seiten und Talente zu entdecken, die in Dir schlummern. Und sie zeigt Dir, wie Du dieses noch zarte Pflänzchen zum wachsen und blühen bringen kannst. “Gärtnern” musst du dann aber selbst. Außerdem lernst Du dabei spannende neue und tolle Menschen kennen und hast – egal wie anstrengend die Tage sein mögen – jede Menge Spaß. Liebe Nina. Danke, es war ein unvergessliches Wochenende. Und auf der Heimfahrt habe ich schon ein kleines bisschen “gegärtnert”: Sie hat gelächelt, statt aufs Smartphone zu gucken 😉

Andreas, 43

Traumpartner gefunden mit 57

Liebe Nina, stell Dir vor, ich habe meinen Traummann gefunden, wir sind seit 8 Wochen zusammen und es ist meine (erste) große Liebe – und das mit 57! Ich lebe den Himmel auf Erden, es passt ganz viel und ich muss immer wieder an das Wochenende mit Dir denken. Und jetzt habe ich das, was ich mir erträumt habe. Herzliche Grüße an Dich, Du wunderbare Frau!

Astrid, 57

Was Kundinnen und Kunden über Nina Deissler sagen
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And your happy end?

I’m dying to work with you!

I’ve been doing nothing else for over 20 years and have helped over 8,000 singles transform their lives and find love.

And now it’s your turn if you want!

Don’t rely on superficial recipes – become a dream partner yourself… it’s easier than you probably think.



Release your love potential!

Working with me means fully developing your potential for love and relationship and finally attracting suitable partners. It’s not always easy – but it’s worth it: Let’s talk about how you become the person you are meant to be, find love and make the most of your life!

    Why am I single?

    If you have failed in finding a partner so far, then there is (at least) one reason that has to do with you and that you can actively change today.

    Often we don’t want to admit that – but recognizing your partnership potential will help you!

    Let’s find out together what are the real reasons why you are single and what you really need to do to change that.

    Can you learn to be lucky in love?

    “Unlucky in love” is no coincidence: Sometimes the reasons are “misunderstandings” or experiences, imprints and wrong conclusions that have created limiting beliefs or fears. A bad self-image, shame, bad experiences or simply little knowledge about the opposite sex are also reasons why you have not been successful in love and relationships so far. But that can be changed!

    Find what you are looking for:

    My coaching is not a superficial “flirt school”:

    I will also give you tips on how to approach and get to know a man or a woman (and learning to flirt has never hurt anyone): However, one thing is particularly important: you and your partnership potential, your self-esteem and your self-image! This will not only help you when flirting, but also in a partnership.

    After all, it’s no use pouring more into the top of a bucket if the bucket has lots of holes..

    Experience and support right from the start

    • Find your personal path with the love keys
    • Receive tailor-made solutions for your personal situation
    • Premium individual coaching via zoom or directly on site